Digital signature certificate

Digital signature certificate

DSC stands for Digital signature certificate. This certificate is used for securing a digital key and it. This digital key has been issued to a certified person who holding or having on a ship regarding this certificate. This certificate contains a lot of thing in IT such as person name, pin code, country, email address and date when the certificate has been issued.does digital signature certificate has been divided into different classes these classes are class 1 certificate class 2 certificate and class 3 certificate. Let’s discuss the classes of the digital signature certificate.

Certifying authorities for digital signature certificate

E mudra is one of the certifying authority where the digital signature certificate is compulsorily required. There is much certifying authority for a digital signature certificate so these are code solution, national Informatics centre, safescrypt and another institute for development and research in banking technology.

Class 1 certificate- this certificate has been issued to that person wherein individual of the private subscriber. It is used to confirm email address and username full stop these two things are clearly lie in the database of certifying authorities.

Class 2 certificate- this certificate is issued to that person who you are a director or signatory authority of the company full stop this certificate is used for feeling registration of company that is ROC. This certificate is compulsory for all person who is feeling returns of ROC.

Class 3 certificate- this certificate is used for the purpose of filling online tenders and auction. the user having class 3 certificate can fill all online tender and sit in all action anywhere in India.

How to apply for DSC?

  • Candidate must submit and digital signature certificate application form with completely e fill all required details.
  • Candidate must submit a photo ID proof.
  • Candidate must give an address proof.

Benefits of DSC

  • Those person having a digital signature certificate then it will reduce cost and time. Instead of sending any proof regarding you to than a person must send a pdf copy of DSC.
  • User can trust the digital signature certificate because all data is safe in that certificate.

Points to remember

  • Digital signature certificate is only issued for one or two years. After that user or owner of the certificate must reissue DSC.
  • A person must have to type of digital signature certificate one is four professional use and another one is for personal use.
  • The most important thing with this document can be used as ann evidence or proof in legal courts.

DSC Services

  • DSC Class-2/2 Years/ Signature
  • DSC Class-2/2 Years/ Combo for Individuals
  • DSC Class-2/2 Years/ Combo for Organizations
  • DSC Class-2/2 Years/ Govt. Combo (DGFT)
  • DSC Class-3 /2 Years/ Combo
  • DSC Class-3 /2 Years / Govt. Combo (DGFT)
  • DSC Class-3 /2 Years / Signature for Individuals
  • DSC Class-3 /2 Years / Signature Organizations
  • DSC Token