Trademark Registration

Are you also looking to open a company with a product? If yes, for this you will have to get your product and brand trademarked.

Before getting a trademark registration, you should know what a trademark is because very few people know about it. A Trademark is a symbol designed to protect a company’s product, which is registered by that company. Trademark is used so that we can know who has created the product of which company.

Each company has its own brand and logo. Trademark is a symbol that is printed on the product so that the product of that company can be easily identified in the market. No other company can use its brand and name.

Trademark Examples like- If we have made a mobile purchase from the market and we use Trademark to represent the name of the company that has created that mobile.

Registered Trademark Rules

Trademark rules

The new rules of Registered Trademark have been made with the effect that came out on 6 March 2017. In which the process was made so that it does not take much time by making the entire Trademark Registration Process easy and eliminating the hassles in this process.

In Trademark Rules 2017, the applicant is divided into 2 categories, Individual / Start-ups / Small Enterprises and other start-ups and Small Enterprises have been defined under Definition Clause.

E-filing is promoted.

Application’s Quick Processing

Listening via Video Conferencing.

Documents Required for Trademark Registration

Trademark has different documents according to the ownership of different company.

Copy of Logo, Brand and Name which a person or company is going to make its own Trademark.

Documents for Individual Trademark

If you are registering Trademark Registration Individually, then you will need these documents.

  • Trademark Questionnaire
  • Pan Card
  • Aadhar Card
  • Passport
  • Copy of power of attorney signed by the applicant

For Private Limited Company –

  • Power Of Attorney
  • Trademark Questionnaire
  • Board Resolution

Apart from this, there are other documents that you may need.

  • Description of the product or service you are going to register Trademark.
  • Legally Owner
  • Logo if Applicable.
  • Address Proof
  • If a company applies then Copy of Incorporation Certificate.
  • If a person applies, then the identity and address of that person is Detail.

Trademark Registration Fees

  • Various forms to apply for Trademark Registration – Tm-1, Tm-2, Tm-3, Tm-8, Tm-51 These have been created for the new Trademark Registration for which the trademark fee is Rs 4,000. .
  • If the Entrepreneur’s Trademark is removed, then a fee of Rs 5,000 will be paid for the Restoration by filling Form Tm-13.
  • To renew a registered trademark, Form Tm-12 has to be filled for which a fee of Rs 5,000 is required.
  • If you are getting the Form Renew done after Renewal Date, then for that you will also have to fill a Surcharge of Rs 3,000 and Form Tm-10.
  • In order to raise the Opposition, Form Tm-5 has to be filled for which the Government of India has earmarked Rs 2500.
  • To improve the Registered Trademark, a fee of Rs 3,000 will be filled by filling the Form Tm-26.

How to do a Trademark Registration

Trademark registration can be done both online and offline. To do Trademark Registration Online, first do Trademark Search or you can also apply through the official website Ipi of Government of India.

Trademark Search: First of all, you have to do a Trademark Search that the Trademark you have thought to say is not Already Registered, so if it is Trademark Already Registered then you can not get it registered. You have to think of another Trademark.

To do a Trademark Search, you can do a Trademark Login Search on the website of Ipindiaonline.Gov.In. You can also search for offline by visiting their office.

Preparing Trademark Application: After doing Trademark Search, now you have to apply for Trademark Application for your Business Name, Logo and Brand. You can also do Trademark Application Online and Offline. Submit the application form to the Registrar Of Trademark Office.

Trademark Registration: The fee prescribed for Trademark Registration has to be filled which can be Rs. 4,500. After registration of the Trademark, you become Legally Owner of the Trademark after which no other person or company can use your Trademark without your Permission. If a Trademark is not registered, then it cannot take action against any other company.

Create Company Identity: It helps you to create your company identity so that no other company can sell goods or items using Trademark without your permission.

Through Identity in Customer: Trademark, the company is able to establish a good identity among its customer, this does not cause much problem in searching the product to the customer.

Secure Company Brand: The biggest advantage of a Trademark is that it keeps the company’s brand and name safe. If a Trademark has been registered by a company, you can take action against it if it is used by other traders.

So this was the Trademark Registration Process

Intellectual Properties Services

  • Trademark Registration – Individual (Gov. Fee)
  • Trademark Registration – Other Than Individual (Gov. Fee)
  • Trademark Registration – Processing Fee